Friday 22 May 2009

The Virtual Chase

Attention TVC fans: The Virtual Chase is back in business! Ballard Spahr, which hosted TVC for creator Genie Tyburski, has annouced that that legal information publisher Justia has acquired The Virtual Chase and intends to continue its development. According to the announcement, they "look forward to working with (Justia) to make this transition as smooth as possible. Watch the site for upcoming details."
For the uninitiated, The Virtual Chase was founded in 1996 by law librarian Genie Tyburski as a website that offers articles, guides, teaching materials, an alert service and more on Internet legal research strategies and resources for legal professionals. Several months ago Genie announced that she was "closing" TVC because of the increasing demands on her time. Let's hope Justia can keep up the high standards that Genie always maintained.

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