Monday 5 October 2009

The Federal Register online just got better

The Washington Post reports that as of today it is much easier to access the Federal Register. The launch of the new Federal Register is the outgrowth of President Obama's first executive order, which mandated greater transparency in federal government AALL's Mary Alice Baish is quoted in the article: "Mary Alice Baish, director of government relations for the American Association of Law Libraries, said members are "delighted" about the move. "This is a win-win situation for business, the regulatory community and consumers," she said".
There is also a blog called "FedThread" that allows anyone to annotate the Federal Register. Carl Malamud of Public Resource dot Org praises the GPO and Office of the Federal Register on BoingBoing, and adds that they are also making all the "Official Journals of Government" available for free in bulk; previous price was $17,000 a year per product.

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