Monday, 12 November 2007

The RIA Checkpoint tax database

We now have access to RIA Checkpoint via IP range (i.e. at all law school computers including via the wireless network in the law school).
However, in order to use the database you MUST REGISTER with RIA (everyone in the law school is eligible to register). And you must be at a computer in the Barco law building when you register (using the lawschool wireless is ok).
Once you register, you can access RIA from OFF-CAMPUS (any computer, anywhere) using your RIA username and password.
Here’s what to do:
1. Go to
You should see “University of Pittsburgh” in large blue letters at the top of the page (meaning the IP address of the computer you’re using is recognized).
2. Check the box to agree to the license terms (a popup box with the terms will appear).
3. Fill in the boxes with your first and last names, email address and the semester you wish to use the database.
4. RIA will immediately send your PERMANENT username which will be in the format UNP60-XXXXXX(6 random letters chosen by RIA)
and a TEMPORARY password to your email address.
5. You must then login to RIA using the PERMANENT username and the TEMPORARY password.
6. Before you can use RIA you must choose your own unique password. (Password rules: must be 7-20 characters, at least 1 letter and 1 number.)
NOTE that your username remains the one RIA assigned you.
7. You should then be given access to the database.
8. In the future, go directly to and log in with your RIA-assigned username and your own password.

Questions? Contact Susanna Leers.
Updated 11/11/07

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