Friday 1 August 2008

At NYU, law students buy & sell seats

No I am not making this up. The ABA Journal has a story about a new phenomenon, first reported in the New York Post. As the add/drop deadline approaches, NYU Law students are offering money, gift certificates, and who knows what else for spots in classes that are already fully enrolled. They post their requests and offers on the school's online forums. Postings such as the e-mail that pleads, "WANT: Entertainment Law, Will Pay Cash."
At NYU, class registration works on a lottery basis. After the courses are distributed, students can drop or try to add them. Because there are no waiting lists, students make under-the-table seat swaps by arranging for one to drop a class just a moment before the other shows up to add it.
No word on how much is actually paid for a coveted class seat.

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