Friday 26 March 2010

Senate committee voices concerns over PACER

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, has sent a letter (6 page pdf) to the Senate Appropriations committee that approves funding for the Judiciary in which he voices concern over the federal court PACER system. He says "I have concerns abour how the Administrative Office of the Courts is interpreting a key provision of the E-Government Act relating to public access to Court records. Given the transparency efforts that have been made a priority across the Federal Government - as well as the recent call in the FCC's Broadband plan for increased online access to court records - I believe more attention needs to be paid to make these records free and easily accessible". He goes on to express concern that the courts are using PACER fees to pay for initiatives unrelated to providing PACER access, against requirements of the E-Government Act.

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