Tuesday 6 March 2007

New ULS databases

Dennis Smith, who does Collection Development for ULS, announced yesterday that two new databases have been added, and can be found in the A to Z list. Neither is of any obvious interest to legal researchers, but you never know.

1. The Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science:
The basic component of the Synthesis library is a 50 to 100 page electronic book, or "lecture", that synthesizes an important research or development topic, authored by a prominent contributor to the field. Records for individual titles are not currently available in PITTCat, but should be at some point in the future.

2. The British Periodicals Database traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals' and beyond. On completion this unique digital archive will consist of almost 500 periodical runs published from the 1680s to the 1930s. A wide array of different types of periodicals are represented, from magisterial quarterlies and scholarly and professional organs through to coterie art periodicals, penny weeklies and illustrated family magazines.

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