Wednesday 22 February 2012

Consumer Advocacy Caucus on vendor business practices

The blog of the newly formed Consumer Advocacy Caucus of the AALL is asking  law librarians for thoughts on significant anti-consumer problems with legal information vendors in law libraries. Once they identify a problem they expect to survey AALL members to discern the nature and scope of how the problem is affecting law libraries. As an example, they say "according to Principle 3.2(a) of AALL’s Guide to Fair Business Practices for Legal Publishers, “[p]ublishers should not bind their customers to a non-disclose clause as a non-negotiable requirement of doing business.” But many information service providers appear to have routinely violated this principle, severely compromising our ability to make informed purchasing decisions on behalf of our employers. Does this problem deserve our attention for a survey and first recommendation, or does some other problem concern you even more?"

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